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PolkaDot Mandala

PolkaDot Mandala

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Carousel of Pleasure, 2001

Carousel of Pleasure, 2001

Seed beads poured between glass, wood and electric light This is basically a light panel, capitalizing on the translucency of beads, which are nothing but tiny pieces of stained glass. Two layers of glass 1/4 inch apart contain thousands of beads, sandwiched much like a sand painting or an ant farm.

Holy Land, 2002

Holy Land, 2002

Loomed and fringed seed beads, brass, wood All lands on the face of this Earth are holy.

Window of Opportunity, 2005

Window of Opportunity, 2005

Loomed, wrapped, and fringed seed beads, steel The blocky gold rectilinear border denotes material abundance, and the translucent color field represents the many possibilities and choices which that abundance can provide.

Beaded Shawl, 1973

Beaded Shawl, 1973

Loomed and fringed seed beads, wrapped yarn My very first glass tapestry, which has nearly a half-million beads and took about 1700 hrs over a 3-year period to complete. Its central design was inspired by a circuit board.

WindShield, 2004

WindShield, 2004

Loomed, wrapped, and fringed seed beads, steel Loosely modeled after a Plains Indian shield, this tapestry also represents a window into deep space, which is a long-favored motif of mine.

Benediction, 2003

Benediction, 2003

Fringed and wrapped seed beads, yarn, copper What we create is always finite. What is provided by Nature is infinite.

Sacred Space 2005

Sacred Space 2005

Loomed and fringed seed beads, steel 95in x 23in x 2in There is an upper and a lower section in this piece. The geometric mandala form above, with its radiant center and its four cardinal and four secondary directions, becomes the source from which flows the liquid space that is the matrix for the material world below.

Copyright © 2024 James Edward Talbot. All rights reserved.

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